Saturday, June 28, 2008

Amber & Henry Visit

Baby Henry is already a month old. Today his mom Amber brought him by for a visit. We chatted while he looked around, grunted, slept, ate & pooped-all the good baby stuff. He is one sweet little boy.

Here they are!

I totally remember Amber being just about the same age Em is here. Yikes.

Doesn't Billy look cute holding a beebee??

Sunday, June 22, 2008

WAY too hot

96 on Thursday and 98 on Friday. By Saturday, I just couldn't take it any more. I went to & found a nice room for cheap. Can't you just SEE the air conditioning in this picture!?? AHHHHHHHHHHHH

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Phineas & Ferb Knight

Creating the Art work for our 4th Phineas & Ferb gathering.

Ryan's Friend Corey's KITTY

This is Corey's giant cat who looks like Garfield. We are going to miss Corey so much next year. She has been an invaluable friend to Ryan. We will certainly still see her often, but I bet school won't be the same for Ryan without her there. =0(

End of the school year BBQ with the Girls

Emily had her BFFs over for a little BBQ at our PAD. They played in the hot tub, gossiped, ate a lot more than you'd imagine, but mostly they just SHREEEEEEEEKED. Not sure why. My ears are still a bit buzzy.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We love movies. Any bad day has to get better with a 5 dollar soft pretzel in your hand.

Genes again

Background: My mom loved finger sandwiches. My mom loved any kind of snack food.
Emily had a school party coming up- a potluck. I asked her what she thought we should bring to the party. She thought of finger sandwiches. I had never mentioned (or even thought of) these in her lifetime.
WELL, here they are. She did a great job on them. Genes, I tell ya.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I miss Pierce so much. I'm so glad he came by to see us, even if only for a short time. How on earth has it been 20 years since "Skate 88"?? Holy Macaroni.......

Genes: The Zenger Saga

When I was a kid, Todd Zenger (my school mate)'s mom Dixie Zenger would come to our grade school class and sing hilarious songs, accompanying herself on the banjo. She was so cool. She sang the Titanic song, and "Little Boxes". I wanted to be her!
In Junior High School, I played the trombone in many varied groups with Todd.
In High School I became friends with Mark Zenger (Dixie's eldest son) and Robin, the only girl in a giant family of boys. They lived right round the corner from us. My older sister sang in the High School Madrigal group with Robin. I became very good friends with Robin in my Junior year. There were fun parties at the Zenger house. I adored this family. They were so, so, so cool. I remember that Mark, Robin & Todd had three younger brothers. I could NOT tell them apart at the time. I called them BLAKEMITCHDREW. They were cute blond boys, too young to be payed attention to by we way older kids...
Fast forward to 2003
I am taking my daughter to Kindergarten..I am probably the oldest mom ever of a kinder. I am signing up to help in the classroom. I see the class list. I see "Zenger". I am flushed. I ask out loud "Who is Zenger??" A lovely girl tells me "I am Mitch's sweetheart". OMG!! BLAKEMITCHDREW's WIFE!!! Turns out her daughter Avery was in Emily's Kindergarten class. Her dad is middle cute blond brother Mitch-and her mom is Kelly (the lovely girl). Later that year, Dixie Zenger (Avery's Grandmother) came to Emily's Kindergarten class with her banjo and sang cool songs with them. I look at Avery and see that Zenger look in her eye...and guess what? Five years later, grade four, Avery Zenger is one of Emily's most cherished friends. She is the sweetest kid this side of Emily, and I relive a bit of my youth every time I see her shining face.


Disgusting ice cream cone cupcakes....


Monday, June 2, 2008

Henry Harrison

Don't want to brag, but I got to hold this angelic piece of heaven just about five hours after he was born. Kinda makes you feel much, much better about...... pretty much everything.