Friday, August 31, 2007

Spiders We No Likee

Ryan & Emily when they were still pretty little.....

Emily had to go to the doctor and miss the morning of her third day of school-she had giant welts up & down her right side, 4 inches across, raised, red & warm to the touch-those MEAN spiders again. This happens to her when it gets hot-the spiders come in and have a party while she is asleep. I know she is delicious, but this is ridiculous. The antibiotics are starting to work already, so I can relax a bit...which I need to do, because yesterday when we went to get Ryan at his new middle school, he was nowhere to be seen...he is on his own this year, without a one on one aide for the first time, and he's been doing pretty well-but I just about had a heart attack when the school had cleared out & no one knew where he was. Finally he was spotted in the middle of campus. He had decided it would be a good idea to go walk on the new fallen leaves and listen to them crunch....In the words of George Bailey's mother, "Land- my blood pressure"

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