Monday, September 8, 2008

Countdown to 50. Yes, FIFTY

I remember turning 29. That was kind of sad birthday for me because we had been trying (without success) to have kids for a while and I felt like my time was running out. Thirty wasn't so bad, because I kind of got the bad feelings out of my system the year before. I guess I am preparing for 50 in much the same way. I want to do many things before I am 50. I am hopeful that a year from now I will be feeling pretty good about my life. I certainly have been very blessed. I cannot deny that! My family is all I had ever hoped for and more. So, happy birthday to me-29 years old for the 21st time, still trying to figure it all out.

1 comment:

Michele said...

I remember that party...the one where you were taking your shirt off as you came in the door. The one where you got that video camera, which was a really big deal way back when. (We made some fun movies with that thing!) I also remember thinking that 29 seemed soooo old! =0)
Just think of the parties you will have next year...parties with champagne and pu-pu's! =0)