Tuesday, December 30, 2008


So every year I swear I am not gonna do it-such a pain to make the special dough, chill the dough, roll it out, push & smack the cutters for 3D cookies...but every year I do it. My mom did it every year & I just feel sad if I think the tradition died when she moved on. I am smart, though. I have been training Emily to do this with me. This year I can honestly say she is 100% trained. We literally had two stations-she made half the cookies completely on her own. Then we all decorated them & watched "White Christmas" of course! "Mandy, there's a minister handy..."

Ryan & Ambee

Erickson & Madison

Crazy Eyes Em & Gnette

The chosen ones-to leave for Santa on Christmas eve, made by Emily. Where did she get her crafty talents, I ask again?

1 comment:

Amber said...

Oh man! Those look great!