Saturday, January 5, 2008

Thank you, Robbie

Several months ago, our son decided that in order for his life to have meaning, he would need to acquire a certain CD-Disney's Haunted Mansion 30th Anniversary limited edition CD. He was pretty sure Santa could get a hold of this CD, even though it was made about 8 years ago, and LIMITED edition: 999 to be exact. So Santa looked. Santa looked and looked. Santa tried everything he could think of. Santa was in deep, deep trouble- not even HE could get one of these CDs. So, Christmas came & went, and our poor son tried to be brave and care about all the wonderful things he got-but all he could think about was the elusive Haunted Mansion CD, impossible to have....but his mom had sent an E mail to her old friend who had become pretty famous: the director of "The Lion King", and, as luck would have it, the director of Disney's film " The Haunted Mansion". She (OK---I) explained to Robbie that our son, obsessed with all things Haunted Mansion & diagnosed as autistic, was hoping for this impossible gift. I did not hear back from Robbie right away, so I figure it was truly impossible to get a hold of one of these things...I said thanks for trying (after Christmas came & went), and he said "Don't give up hope." On New Years Eve, I got a note from Robbie: "It's on it's way... Hee Haw." I am sure he spent some of his precious time, not to mention a few bucks, on this- and I want to say thank you, Robbie. You rock & roll. Who says success makes people forget their old friends??? Not ME!!

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